Author: Dr. William W.Klein
Format : Hard Cover
Publisher: NavPress
ISBN: 978160061172
No of Pages: 446
Measurement(cm): 15cm x 21.5cm x 3.5cm
Weight : 635g
Author Description:
William Klein has written several books and is published in many magazines and journals, and has served as a pastor. He is currently Professor of New Testament and Chairman of the Division of Biblical Studies at Denver Seminary
Product Description:
There are so many questions and uncertainties surrounding Bible study that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up before we even start.
Handbook for Personal Bible Study is a definitive resource that brings together all the relevant topics of the Bible and how to study it. Well organized and fully indexed, it covers the history of the Bible, interpreting the Bible, methods of Bible study, and much more in approachable terms. It’s also a resource trusted by The Navigators.
So take the challenge. Make Bible study a lifetime practice
Handbook for Personal Bible Study is a definitive resource that brings together all the relevant topics of the Bible and how to study it.
Well organized and fully indexed, it covers
• the history of the Bible
• interpreting the Bible
• methods of Bible study
This practical introduction to the Bible is perfect for seasoned and new believers alike.