Founded in March 2012, Faith Book Store is a family owned bookstore at Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. The name “Faith Book Store” was intended to be a reminder for us while serving God in this ministry, as we knew it’s not going to be an easy task. We see a need of providing Christian resources that offer guidance and encouragement to the believers and introduce the good news of Jesus Christ to others, especially in Batu Pahat, Muar and Kluang area, where Christian resources are not easily available. We are committed to spreading God’s Word building up the body of Christ by providing an extensive range of Christian books, Bibles, music, DVDs, gifts and more at a reasonable price. We are thankful for God’s provision to us as we are entering into the seventh year of the ministry. Though it was not as easy as many would think, God has been faithful to Faith Book Store and has helped us greatly in times of need. Our prayer for Faith Book Store is that we can continue to be good stewards of God in managing the bookstore, and be a great blessing to many brothers and sisters, that through the bookstore, their relationship with God would be brought closer than before.
成立于2012年3月,信心书坊是一间家庭式经营的福音书坊,位于马来西亚柔佛州的峇株吧辖。“信心书坊” 这个名字的用意是要成为我们服侍神时的提醒,因为这个事工不是一件容易的事。 成立书坊的原因,是因为我们看见这里缺乏能提供信仰指引及鼓励、分享耶稣基督资源的书坊,尤其是在峇株吧辖、麻坡及居銮一带的地区。我们的使命是以合理的价格售卖多方面的福音书籍、圣经、音乐、影音产品、礼品等,进而传扬福音及建立基督的身体。 现在,信心书坊已经进入了第七年,我们非常感谢神过去六年的供应。虽然这不像很多人想像中一件容易又轻松的事工,但我们那信实的神还是在我们需要的时候供应我们所需的。对于信心书坊,我们的祷告是,愿神帮助我们能够成为好的管家,使用我们继续有智慧及信心来经营这间书坊,成为更多弟兄姐妹的祝福,也希望通过信心书坊,弟兄姐妹与神的关系能够有前所未有的突破。