Author: Andrew Hwang & Samuel Goh
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Asia Theological Association
ISBN: 9789810457332
No. of Pages: 192
Measurement: 20.3 x 13.6 x 1.2(cm)
Weight: 210g
Author Description:
Andrew Hwang received his Dip. Business Studies from Ngee Ann Polytechnics; B. Th. From Singapore Bible College; and Th. M and Ph. D from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, USA. He is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore and he lectures at the Singapore Bible College. He has published several books in Chinese including The Holy Spirit and the Early Church, A Commentary on the Song of Songs and Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation.
Samuel Goh received his B.Th. and M. Div. from Singapore Bible College; and Th. M from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, USA. Currently he is an ordained minister of Mount Carmel Bible Presbyterian Church, Singapore, and teaching Old Testament in Singapore Bible College as a part-time lecturer.
Product Description:
This series of commentaries on all the books of the old and New Testament is designed to enable readers to understand the Scriptures in their own context, and to interpret and apply them to the plurality of Asia cultures in which they live and work.
The series is designed for use by pastors in their expository ministry of preaching, teaching and counselling, by teachers and students in their theological studies, and by men and women who lead small groups in churches and homes.